KCET Option Entry Guide
Common Entrance Test or CET is the gateway for admissions to various professional colleges situated within the country. A student who wants to pursue a professional degree course in medicine, dental, engineering, architecture, etc., must enroll himself / herself for a recognized CET. However, only Class XII students who have achieved requisite scores in mandatory subjects can register and appear for the test. These highly competitive exams are open to all eligible domiciles of a particular state or the nation. The tests are conducted under the aegis of a state or the Central Government. If a competing student successfully qualifies the Common Entrance Test, then he is granted admission to first year/ semester of the respective course.
A professional college in the country can admit only those students who have succeeded in the test. Institutes affiliated to state universities can admit candidates selected through CET. There are multiple options that a student can vie for after clearing Class XII exam, but every institute can admit only restricted number of students. Consequently, competition level of these entrance exams is set high, so only the deserving candidates are selected.

- CET college code: E106
- COMEDK college code: E048
- Course name: Information Science & Engineering
- Course code: IE