Department of Pharmacology
The department of pharmacology is one of the departments engaged in research related to in vitro and in vivo studies. Includes subjects of pharmacology, human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacy practise, and social pharmacy. Current research interests include bioassay studies, in-vitro activity for anti-ulcer, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-helminthic, and in vivo studies like PCOS and obesity, which are being carried out in the department. Students are actively involved in research projects. A number of projects have received funding from RGUHS.
The department has the finest infrastructure with sophisticated and well-equipped laboratories, including an animal house and hands-on training in in vitro and in vivo experimental pharmacology. The department is also supported by a well-equipped instrument room, which is used for training the students as well as carrying out research work at all levels. The instruments include a student organ bath, an actophotometer, Eddy’s hot plate, pole climbing, an electro-convulsometer, a spirometer, a rotarod apparatus, a T-Maze, etc.
The department offers excellent infrastructure and knowledge in the form of a vast collection of relevant books and journals. Moreover, extensive publications in national and international journals of repute speak volumes of the department’s commitment to research activities.
The Department of Pharmacology aims to develop and equip students with a concrete foundation in basic pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutic applications. Rationally practise drugs and participate in research. Provide community services that will contribute to an improvement in the quality of health care in the country.